20 Articulation Quotes
If the course provided the opportunity for you to create a meaningful project, presentation or authentic task, what made it meaningful and how? If not, describe a type of assignment that would have made it meaningful.
1. We got to write our own thoughts about what we were learning each week in the weekly discussions.
2. The discussion posts really helped us in understanding and preparing for the case study papers.
3. The discussions were focused on engagement with classmates in a professional manner, discussing materials and reflecting on personal backgrounds within the academic context.
4. We are able to learn from other students based on the class discussion. They helped me understand the class material.
5. The discussions were very meaningful to me and I really think that I learned a lot from reading everyone's perspective.
6. During discussion I had a chance to see my classmates’ thoughts about the assigned topic. Each individual could express their opinions if they would agree or disagree on their classmates’ posts.
7. I had to formulate my ideas for the essays. This allowed me to practice my logical thinking and my ability to formulate arguments.
8. I thought the class has been meaningful and I like how you learn all sorts of terms and tricks and then we have written a paper to put it all together. To me writing a paper like this is much less stressful and more meaningful than taking a final at the end of the term on everything we had learned so far.
9. The only meaningful assignments for me were our group assignments and that was due to the indepth discussions that took place to better understand the content.
10. The most meaningful aspect of the course was the ability to share our discussions with students on the texts that we read. I found this to be helpful when completing my assignments, such as the essays.
11. I liked how the discussions can be seen by everyone and it was a really good way to get a lot of ideas out in the open. I think that some reflective assignments could have also been shared and discussed.
12. Creating a math video in which you explained your thinking helped me learn more about the method of solving the individual problems.
13. The course allowed us to create demonstration videos and for our classmates to view them which allowed us to learn the problems further in depth and be able to communicate them.
14. The Math Demos were a good project.
15. The math videos helped me learn more about the method of solving the individual problems.
16. It helped me learn to create math demonstration videos.
17. It allowed us to create demonstration videos and for our classmates to view them which allowed us to learn the problems further in depth and be able to communicate them.
18. It was very cool to participate in discussions every week and see what other students are involved in and where their interests lay.
19. The weekly discussion for the final paper was good and helpful for me.
20. No. Something that could make a meaningful project is a presentation in Spanish in front of people.