84 Collaboration Quotes
If the course provided the opportunity for you to create a meaningful project, presentation or authentic task, what made it meaningful and how? If not, describe a type of assignment that would have made it meaningful.
1. It was very cool to participate in discussions every week and see what other students are involved in and where their interests lay.
2. It was meaningful because it led me to meeting the people I met in the group as well as the people I met at the interview. That was a great experience and I learned a lot from that.
3. Having us work in groups is extremely helpful. My group created a text message thread that allowed me to ask questions each week and get a prompt response while working on assignments.
4. I think the opportunity for collaboration in this class created the capacity for more integrative and meaningful projects, but I felt a bit rushed to do so due to the challenges of virtual communication.
5. Teamwork. Because during the management, teamwork is important.
6. The peer review assignment gave us an opportunity to communicate and review each other's papers. This helped in strengthening and clarifying the points in the paper.
7. It allowed me to connect with all of my other classmates and give me the option to choose on who to comment on.
8. We are able to learn from other students based on the class discussion. They helped me understand the class material.
9. The only meaningful assignments for me was our group assignments and that was due to the depth discussions that took place to better understand the content.
10. The group collaboration aspect of projects made it meaningful, because it taught us how to work effectively as a group and helped contribute to our learning.
11. By having a group that really took this class to heart I was able to really get into both my individual project as well as my group project. By giving all the course materials and TED talks I was able to really look at these projects as ways to better myself as a person.
12. The final group presentation was very meaningful because we interacted together the whole semester.
13. The group project was a great way to wrap up the semester in a meaningful way.
14. The most meaningful aspect of the course was the ability to share our discussions with students on the texts that we read. I found this to be helpful when completing my assignments, such as the essays.
15. Throughout this class, I learned about working in a group and what makes it hard or stressful to do group work. There are always people working at different paces and just getting everyone on board to talk about assignments is difficult.
16. What made it meaningful for me was being able to work with my classmates and also getting feedback from them all. I really enjoyed learning and working with my classmates.
17. The team project was meaningful and allowed us to discuss what was going on in the class as well as what things were required of us as we went along.
18. Group projects were useful but the group video recording of presentation wasn't really useful.
19. I think what made it most memorable was because it was a group project. It took a lot of teamwork and practice to get everything sorted out. I also liked being able to hear what the others in my group learned from the readings and videos.
20. Our group project was fun to work on. A little tough relying on others for so much of your grade but it worked out.
21. The project that we did in the course was meaningful because it really gave me a good idea of how a project would work with a group of people who have differing views and ways of working.
22. MS Project working with a team.
23. I got the opportunity to work with a great team and create a successful project.
24. The project we worked on as a group was really helpful in applying the new skills we learned.
25. It allowed me to share my take on a piece of information about the things we were learning and allowed for my peers to provide feedback on the information I presented.
26. All of the group assignments did a nice job exposing me to what a project might look like and what the expectations are for project managers.
27. This course was meaningful because I worked in a group the entire semester. We got to know each other over the course and we utilized our technology to tackle assignments.
28. I think the whole thing with building a business was for sure meaningful. We were able to put many aspects of a business to gather and as a group look at it in many different views.
29. It was awesome to get a hands-on team experience in our NPD groups. I feel that it added an additional layer of learning beyond just the academic side of things.
30. The group assignment was well shared out which made the group project much easier.
31. Grant writing is very specific and unique. From this course, I was able to work in a team to understand the complexity of writing a grant.
32. Writing a grant proposal within a group is a type of assignment that would have made it meaningful. Throughout this project, I could connect what I learned in each week module and used the concepts into Collaboration Assignment. I also learned the importance of working on a team.
33. Developing teamwork skills.
34. Collaborating with others on a project.
35. Group work and working over distance without in person meetings.
36. I think the group assignment was meaningful.
37. I was able to have a job in a group and create slides that evaluated a process on a more advanced level.
38. I feel what I got that was most beneficial to myself from this was the experience with working on a project with several people. This was beneficial because none of us got to meet, and we had to do all of our coordination online. This gave real world experience with completing projects that management sends out, for a person whose team may be split across the state or country.
39. Ability to interact online in a group setting while still creating projects.
40. The research case studies with groups was a good opportunity to conduct group research on a company or methodology and discuss it.
41. I really enjoyed the collaborative group projects.
42. The most meaningful aspect of the course was the ability to share our discussions with students on the texts that we read. I found this to be helpful when completing my assignments, such as the essays.
43. I was able to work really well with my group-mates. I thought it would be hard over long distance, but we worked surprisingly well together and got everything done on time because the course had milestones that were far enough apart to allow adequate time to do a thorough job.
44. I think the group project was meaningful because it helped to understand how flexible Shakespeare's works can be.
45. I enjoyed the interlocutor papers because it enabled me to genuinely discuss the topics with someone I am comfortable with, and it allowed me to truly engage in the class more than I normally would.
46. I enjoyed getting to collaborate with other people about different topics we discussed throughout this course.
47. I understood how to participate in the course, including how to participate in group or team assignments.
48. I was able to take the concepts I learned in this class and apply them by writing a group paper that compares two companies.
49. The semester long group marketing plan was meaningful because it taught us the multiple different aspects of strategic marketing, as well as had us work remotely with a group (over online applications) in order to complete assignments.
50. Working and communicating with others completely through online channels.
51. The YouTube final project was meaningful because thorough instructions were given, it was broken up into two weeks so I could complete it to the best of my ability, and it was interactive in that I could view and comment on other students' projects.
52. Through discussion with others.
53. I liked how the discussions can be seen by everyone and it was a really good way to get a lot of ideas out in the open. I think that some reflective assignments could have also been shared and discussed.
54. The group homework discussions were integral to developing meaningful relationships with my peers along with helping to build a stronger foundation on topics that were difficult to understand.
55. It really helped to have the weekly moderator assignment because it allowed for discussion with other students in the class without giving extra work to the teacher. It helped to keep things going and understanding the topics of the class better.
56. I guess the meaningful project for this class would be our final paper. I got to write about something I understood well and somewhat have a relation to. In our peer review assignments, I like that I got to hear the opinions of others on something I cared about, as well as reading and reviewing other topics I didn't even think of but we're very interesting.
57. I think the class offered a lot of resources to help learn Spanish and succeed. I kind of regret taking it online because it is harder to learn when you're not actually hearing it every day in the classroom but there were other ways to get that by talking with others or watching videos.
58. Often online courses feel very distant. This course was different in that it required a variety of assignments and interactions with other students. The video conversations, video reactions, and the instructor's weekly update videos were great in making me feel more involved with the class.
59. I would have liked to do more individual projects instead of a team project. Additionally, discussions were not useful because it was hard to have meaningful discussions with such a large class. I would have liked to see more activities with the class content like practicing seeing other projects and activities like determining WBS and Agile methodology through worksheets and activities.
60. Throughout this class, I learned about working in a group and what makes it hard or stressful to do group work. There are always people working at different paces and just getting everyone on board to talk about assignments is difficult.
61. I think an assignment where we had to talk about leading teams in real life using our skills that we learned in class would have been very beneficial and interesting for me.
62. I felt that most of the time I struggled with the assignments and had to rely a lot on my group to get them done. For that case, I didn’t feel that I was able to create meaningful projects, presentations, and authentic tasks.
63. MS Project with team.
64. The project that we did in the course was meaningful because it really gave me a good idea of how a project would work with a group of people who have differing views and ways of working.
65. I really enjoyed that we got to present what we had been working on the whole semester together. It made it more meaningful and enforced a sense of teamwork.
66. This course was meaningful because I worked in a group the entire semester. We got to know each other over the course and we utilized our technology to tackle assignments.
67. I can share my idea online, like I share my idea with my friends on Facebook. Therefore, if this course can provide the opportunity for me to create a meaningful project, it would help relieve my stress of having to do a normal presentation. I also can share presentation and my own work online with my classmates, so it is really meaningful.
68. The most meaningful aspect of the various project assigned in class were the group projects and the ability to work with other students and share ideas and information on the texts that we read.
69. The course included a group project. The successful completion of this project required us to meet as a group which provided several opportunities to learn new programs and applications for online meetings. Two applications I learned about were YouTube Live Events and Google Hangouts, neither of which I used prior to this.
70. I think the group project was meaningful because it helped to understand how flexible Shakespeare's works can be.
71. I guess the meaningful project for this class would be our final paper. I got to write about something I understood well and somewhat have relation too. In our peer review assignments, I like that I got to hear the opinions of others on something I cared about, as well as reading and reviewing other topics I didn't even think of but we're very interesting. 1 Suggestion to increase collaboration
72. I don't think there were any meaningful tasks in the class. It would have been nice to get in a group and have a project with the theories for more colleague interaction, analytical thinking w/peers, and I think you learn a lot from being in groups and teamwork. 12 Negative comments about collaboration
73. There was too much collaboration in a time crunch to coordinate so many schedules that many of them ended up being more stressful than meaningful.
74. Some of the descriptions were confusing and hard to follow. And it was difficult to work with so many group assignments and trying to communicate with people in an online class. 7
75. I would love less group work. The increased Collaboration made it very easy to skirt by and not put much effort in.
76. In an online class, I think making most of the project management assignments individual assignments would have been much more valuable. Had projects been individual, I would have focused more on how to apply the course learnings. As is, I had to spend way too much time dealing with frustrating group members and had to BS my way through or do the bare minimum. This is especially true of the assignment where we had to make a Project file. MS Project is NOT designed for group projects and collaboration.
77. Some of the descriptions were confusing and hard to follow. And it was difficult to work with so many group assignments and trying to communicate with people in an online class.
78. I preferred the individual assignments as I learned the most from them. In this class, I didn't get out of the group assignment as much as I would have liked to.
79. The film project didn't make sense as a group project. The work involved was too little for five people. The project should either be more intensive, or done in groups of 2-3.
80. No. A group project or more direct communication from the professor would have helped.
81. The only difficulty I had was communicating with my group members online since it is an online course.
82. I would have liked to do more individual projects instead of a team project. Additionally, discussions were not useful because it was hard to have meaningful discussions with such a large class. I would have liked to see more activities with the class content like practicing seeing other projects and activities like determining WBS and Agile methodology through worksheets and activities.
83. Also, group projects in an online class are not the best idea. From all the people I know taking this class, it is just a very stressful and not meaningful way of making kids do busy work.
84. Yes, it was hard to do the presentation video because we all have different schedules. it is not like in the real world when a remote team still has some of the same hours.