66 Integrated Assessment Quotes
If the course provided the opportunity for you to create a meaningful project, presentation or authentic task, what made it meaningful and how? If not, describe a type of assignment that would have made it meaningful.
1. It was meaningful because it was a culmination of the semester long learning.
2. Applying everything we learned to the final paper.
3. I thought the class has been meaningful and I like how you learn all sorts of terms and tricks and then we have written a paper to put it all together. To me writing a paper like this is much less stressful and more meaningful then taking a final at the end of the term on everything we have learned so far.
4. I think that the short papers throughout the course were meaningful projects. Specifically, the final applied management research paper was helpful. I think it was meaningful because it applied all of the concepts throughout the entire year.
5. The manager interview was meaningful and a good way to synthesize what we learned in the course and see it in a real-world perspective.
6. It was meaningful as I was able to incorporate all my learning into my group work and final paper.
7. It integrated everything we learned throughout the course.
8. I liked the YouTube playlist assignment as it let me puzzle together what I had learned over the semester. I think it could have been explained a little more clearly. I was confused on whether we were supposed to use songs from the modules or any song from those artists. I also wasn't entirely sure how to word my description. Did I need to talk about each song in depth?
9. I thought that the final assignment was the most meaningful task and allowed me to put the whole of my knowledge attained throughout the course to use.
10. The YouTube playlist was very meaningful It helped test what I have learned over the weeks of being in this class. And it also helped me spot some things that I may have missed before when learning about each chapter.
11. It was cool to go through and create a playlist at the end of the course. It allowed me to tie together the entire semester.
12. I think the YouTube project really synthesized together the whole purpose of the course!
13. The final project was meaningful because it wrapped up the course nicely.
14. The YouTube assignment really synthesized everything we learned in the course and all of the music we listened to. I found this to be very meaningful because I could look back and had something to represent my entire experience in the course.
15. Creating the YouTube playlist was meaningful in that it required me to utilize all the things I had learned in the course to complete a cumulative project.
16. We had been working all semester on how to draw conclusions from technical and creative aspects of film, and the final project was summative and wrapped it all together.
17. I thought the final presentation was a great opportunity to have a finale for all the work we'd done together as a group this semester.
18. The final paper. I enjoyed it because it encompassed everything from the course.
19. Applying everything we learned to the final paper.
20. The final paper was really cumulative and brought it all together for me.
21. I liked the overall perspectives that resulted from the course project. It was a good way to synthesize the material.
22. I would say that the most significant project is our final assignment, which really forces us to dig deeply into our case study and we really have to have an understanding and a grasp on what we've done in class so far to be successful in the final. It is a good use of truly seeing how effectively students can analyze a case study like the one we were given.
23. It was meaningful as I was able to incorporate all my learning into my group work and final paper.
24. Was very meaningful once I understood requirements. It let us use everything we learned and boost retention.
25. You really get to synthesize what you learn and put yourself in the driver's seat. By that, I mean picturing myself as a leader and manager someday and how I will work with others and lead effectively.
26. It integrated everything we learned throughout the course.
27. The final YouTube playlist we had to make was definitely meaningful, as it involved reflecting on everything we'd already learned and using it to generate a cohesive argument.
28. The final allowed me to create something that represented all we had learned and I really liked that.
29. The essays were meaningful because they required you to synthesize your thoughts and feels using music as supporting evidence.
30. The YouTube playlist was very meaningful. It helped test what I have learned over the few weeks of being in this class. And it also helped me spot some things that I may have missed before when learning about each chapter.
31. It was cool to go through and create a playlist at the end of the course. It allowed me to tie together the entire semester.
32. I think the YouTube project really synthesized together the whole purpose of the course!
33. The three critical essays really forced me to synthesize information.
34. The YouTube assignment really synthesized everything we learned in the course and all of the music we listened to. I found this to be very meaningful because I could look back and had something to represent my entire experience in the course.
35. I thought the final project was a good way to put all the things we learned through the semester and put it all together into a final project.
36. The final exam and the final paper both allowed me to pull together what I learned about filmic elements including music. I love both Oz and The Mission and it was fascinating to think about them in deeper and completely different ways than I had previously. The elements we learned about in this course have allowed me to appreciate all movies on a much deeper level. I am truly and profoundly grateful for this, as music and movies are two of my favorite things in life - I couldn't get along very well without either. Cheers for a great semester!
37. The final presentation helped me put everything I learned in this class into a great summery of information.
38. It took a lot of effort and brought together things I've learned throughout the course.
39. It was meaningful because it was a synthesis of my learning and gave me the opportunity to explore myself as a leader.
40. I would say that the most significant project is our final assignment, which really forces us to dig deeply into our case study and we really have to have an understanding and a grasp on what we've done in class so far to be successful in the final. It is a good use of truly seeing how effectively students can analyze a case study like the one we were given.
41. It was meaningful as I was able to incorporate all my learnings into my collaboration and final paper.
42. Creating a YouTube playlist because it showcases our critical thinking and what we learned from taking this course.
43. The case studies allowed for us to bring together all of the information we have learned in a really meaningful way.
44. The second essay interview made that assignment a meaningful project by making us interact with someone who has lived through the different musical eras and allow us to learn from a different perspective. Then the final project was meaningful because it incorporated everything we have learned and made me compile all of my thoughts into a short response and playlist.
45. This course's presentation was helpful for understanding the class holistically and reflecting on what we learned in the course.
46. The final allowed me to create something that represented all we had learned and I really liked that.
47. I like the concept of the final project being a playlist of songs from all the chapters. It's a nice way to get an overview of some of the key developments of rock and look back at the modules we've gone over. It gave me satisfaction to put my playlist together and write a description for it.
48. The final project was a great way to refresh and reflect on everything we learned. 49. Creating the final playlist helped me synthesize everything I learned in a creative way. I liked being able to compile the songs I liked the most and that were important in shaping rock music.
50. The YouTube project allowed us to compile things that we had learned throughout the whole semester.
51. The Spotify project was fun and engaging, and it provided an opportunity to combine all the elements/knowledge from the course.
52. The project caused me to go back through the course material again which allowed me to better appreciate the progression of rock over the years and connect artists to influential roles during each time period.
53. The Spotify project was pretty meaningful. It allowed me to synthesize what I learned from the course with my own personal preferences for music. I was able to reflect on music that I enjoy listening to. It was an enjoyable project.
54. The Spotify Project really got me to review all the things I have learned in this class.
55. The final Spotify assignment was meaningful as it brought all of the concepts of the course I learned about the progression of music of the course of history together.
56. I think the final project, creating a playlist of the music we listened to during the semester and based on some sort of theme, was really meaningful. It made me really think about what tied together all of this music from different times and genres.
57. We had been working all semester on how to draw conclusions from technical and creative aspects of film, and the final project was summative and wrapped it all together.
58. The Final review made me revisit all of the things I had learned from previous lessons and combine it into a full-blown professional review of a movie of my choosing.
59. Lab reports were somewhat meaningful in tying together information, but I'm not a huge physics lover so I'm okay with not having a meaningful project.
60. The research paper had the possibility to become meaningful, but was not given enough attention. Instead of only having two aspects to the paper, it could have been built upon through the entire time to really pull everything together in one meaningful final paper.
61. It was meaningful to take what we learned and synthesize it into a meaningful creative post (blog for me). It was meaningful because I was able to look back and see how much I learned and how this would influence me as a manager.
62. You really get to synthesize what you learn and put yourself in the driver's seat. By that, I mean picturing myself as a leader and manager someday and how I will work with others and lead effectively.
63. The content that we studied week to week was all leading up to one final paper. If you took the time each week you were really well prepared for the final paper.
64. All the projects leading to the final paper were helpful.
65. The final project was meaningful in that it was an application and culmination of other smaller tasks throughout the semester.
Suggestion for better integration of assessment
66. The research paper had the possibility to become meaningful, but was not given enough attention. Instead of only having two aspects to the paper, it could have been built upon through the entire time to really pull everything together in one meaningful final paper.