27 Learner Creativity Quotes
If the course provided the opportunity for you to create a meaningful project, presentation or authentic task, what made it meaningful and how? If not, describe a type of assignment that would have made it meaningful.
1. It really requires students to be creative and put in effort, that's why it's meaningful.
2. There's a bit of creativity and freedom allowed within each project/presentation/task, but there was one instance where a group project focus was a bit murky. The project really helped reiterate all of the things I was learning throughout the class and brought all the material together in a fun way.
3. The course readings gave me a general understanding of the course material, but the assignments allowed me to be creative and dive further into the topic.
4. What made the assignments meaningful was due to the interesting, thought provoking topics and open-ended approach that still had criteria and guided examples. These aspects of the tasks allowed me to play on my strengths and experiences and tested my creativity.
5. I liked the accountability to a consistent discussion post and the ability to be creative with that without having to be prim and proper with the response.
6. Creating short fiction pieces throughout the semester - each with a different challenge/task associated with them, yet the openness to fit that challenge with whatever topic/characters/situation desired - as well as two short stories was incredibly empowering and impactful, especially for someone who has not had much experience in creative writing. After doing these exercises for the past few months, I plan to continue writing and creating short fiction pieces, using the lessons I learned in this course to continue to improve as a creative writer.
7. I thought the Tiki-Toki timeline project was really meaningful because it was directly related to what we were learning about in the class, but we also were able to be a little bit more creative than on most projects in other classes.
8. Being given the opportunity to make some assignments creative in approach is what made it meaningful because we were able to make the projects our own and many courses don't allow you to do this.
9. The YouConnects and projects were meaningful in a sense because they taught me new skills and improved my creativity and innovation.
10. By allowing me to make my project assignments personal and imaginative. The format of project was open and very broad.
11. The course provided many opportunities to create meaningful projects as it allowed us to show our creativity. There was not a lot of rules to what we did things as Professor K. wanted us to shape how we showed our growth and knowledge of different tasks.
12. The opportunity for YouConnects, anything creative & meaningful. 228
13. Yes, we did three essays and one final project. All of these assignments allowed room for personal creativity.
14. I thought the YouTube project was a unique one where we had to use our creative side a little more than usual.
15. I think the YouTube assignment was a neat use of technology because it allowed us to be creative in demonstrating what we learned from the semester. 16. We got to be creative when writing essays and doing the final project.
17. The YouTube playlist project was meaningful because it allowed me to be creative and show what I had learned throughout the course. I had also never made a YouTube playlist so it was nice to learn how to do that. I enjoyed being able to show my own preferences through the playlist.
18. I liked the YouTube final project and that we got to make a playlist of certain songs that stood out to us over the semester!
19. I have never been a part of a class that gave me the opportunity to make such a meaningful project. It was meaningful because I was able to use my creativity during it, an aspect I don't see in any of my other course projects.
20. All of the assignments allowed for creativity when selecting music, but the time period limit of the course prevented some of the best/most recognizable songs from being usable.
21. We had the freedom to select the organizations we wanted, therefore facilitating our creativity when developing the project. 4 Suggestions to Increase Learner Creativity
22. I wish I had been more creative in the completion of the group presentation, because I thought it was a generic presentation-style project; however, more could've been done with that like making a fun video!
23. The course was structured around discussion posts, essays, and a group timeline. I think doing a final project that is different than an essay might have pushed us creatively and to think a little outside the box.
24. I think the midterm papers were nice assignments. The YouTube project at the end felt very forced and gave little room for creativity. I would much prefer an assignment like "Do further research and write about a topic that interested you in the class".
25. Instead of so many written reviews, the course should include a creative project for students to learn the painstaking process of scoring a film. In another online course I completed, there was a required video that each student prepared in the WeVideo cloud. There was a great technical support system offered to the class members. For this course in music in films, the project would be a 5-10-minute-long video that allows the students to incorporate music and sound into a video. The requirement would be a minimum of 25 different sound selections scored into the video. The final review should be dropped and the musical scoring project substituted as a 100-point project. NOTE: At the present time, there already exists enough writing to meet the CLA requirement for at least three writing-intensive courses. This course would be a much better course with a creative project included.
26. Maybe a team art/creative activity since the class is surprisingly not writing intensive, it felt writing heavy. So, including a more creative outlet as an option would be ideal.
27. The assignments were good applications of materials and often took some creative thinking