11 Multiple Interpretations and Outcomes Quotes
If the course provided the opportunity for you to create a meaningful project, presentation or authentic task, what made it meaningful and how? If not, describe a type of assignment that would have made it meaningful.
1. We were able to pick a business for the Final Project that was within the area we wanted to think about.
2. We had the freedom to select the organizations we wanted therefore facilitating our creativity when developing the project.
3. I especially appreciated having the opportunity to decide what was meaningful to me from each module.
4. I enjoyed the final project and how open it was.
5. I found the Tiki timeline to be meaningful, as it was very interesting to see the subjective opinions of my peers on the most pivotal American historical events.
6. The writing assignments allowed for this and it was nice to talk about topics in a more personal way through the short video recordings at the end of the week because they had a loose topic but was still personal.
7. I thought that the playlist assignment was very meaningful. It allowed us to make a compilation of the most important songs and I thought it was really cool to see that everyone's playlist was very different.
8. Projects and papers were very open-ended and left a lot of opportunities to make assignments original and my own.
9. The essay questions were open ended, allowing for students to take unique approaches to answering them.
10. All of the writing (essays, discussions, reflective assignments) were quite open ended. While the prompts offered guidance, it was nice to be able to take a direction that I found most interesting or important.
11. The project at the end of the class was great to express our own interpretations of the music we learned, and to explore more deeply some of the music we knew prior to the class.