12 Multiple Sources and Perspectives Quotes
If the course provided the opportunity for you to create a meaningful project, presentation or authentic task, what made it meaningful and how? If not, describe a type of assignment that would have made it meaningful.
1. I was able to use a variety of different readings, videos, and sources to write a response and understand the topic well.
2. It allowed me to dive deeper into music and understand other points of views along with questioning my own opinions.
3. I really liked how we got to use outside websites and different sources of technology in order to further engage our learning.
4. It was really cool to interview someone who experienced music from the 1950-1970 period firsthand. It was very insightful and brought different perspectives towards the subject.
5. The YouTube project gave me a chance to see other's ideas.
6. I think that Essay C was very meaningful because it allowed me to connect with a different generation and see how their opinions impacted their perception of the same music that I heard. It was meaningful because I can apply this knowledge outside of the course and remember that other's different experiences will make their perception of an event different from mine.
7. I think the ability to interview someone about the music we learned about provided interesting insight into a time most of us didn't grow up in.
8. I think the assignment where we had to interview someone born in the 40s was meaningful because it allowed me to see and understand an older generation and be able to connect with them about something they actually experienced.
9. The second essay interview made that assignment a meaningful project by making us interact with someone who has lived through the different musical eras and allow us to learn from a different perspective. Then the final project was meaningful because it incorporated everything we have learned and made me compile all of my thoughts into a short response and playlist.
10. I think an assignment where an outside text could be used to draw a parallel to course materials would have been beneficial.
11. I have done many researches while doing all the assignments in this course and so I think it teaches me how to do a meaningful project with more facts supported in the future.
12. I really enjoyed the interview project. It gave me some good insight into what the older generation was like and how they viewed things. 208 A