153 Real-World Relevance Quotes
If the course provided the opportunity for you to create a meaningful project, presentation or authentic task, what made it meaningful and how? If not, describe a type of assignment that would have made it meaningful.
1. I think the final paper provided a nice task for synthesizing information we've learned and putting it to work. It is meaningful because it tackles a real-life issue and we are proposing real ways to create change based on the latest research and information.
2. The assignment that had me practice interviewing was one that made this course meaningful because it created such a real interview environment.
3. I thought going into the real world at real businesses was a good way to experience first-hand how the tools and techniques taught in the course look like when actually used.
4. The final Applied Management Research Paper allowed students to analyze the activities of a real-world manager in the light of the management theory presented in our textbook. Rather than simply relying on some examples from a textbook, we were able to evaluate the decisions made by real world managers based on the theory that we learned. This gave us a chance to draw conclusions about how theory is applied when managing an actual organization.
5. I was able to connect what we learned in class to the real working world by having the chance to talk with a real manager.
6. I think the manager research paper is super useful because it provides students with an opportunity to learn from people in real-world working positions within an organization.
7. The Analytical Report was meaningful because in my case, my findings benefited a real company. It is also an applicable project since it would be realistic to have to perform a similar task in the workplace.
8. I thought that the real world feeling of the projects helped it be meaningful. It kept our group interested and driven towards the end goal.
9. I thought that the team project was very unique in comparison to what I've done in past classes. I normally really dislike group projects in online classes, but the details provided and the project from start to finish was really interesting and seemed to have a very real world feel to it that I haven't seen in other classes.
10. I think this course certainly provided the opportunity for me to create a meaningful project even though myself and my group had many struggles with the technology/software. What made it meaningful was that it was "real-life-like" and allowed us to work through an actual project.
11. The case study assignments allowed me to take a specific event from the world and research it deeply. I was then able to analyze the data I procured and put it into an essay that clearly articulated what was found. This is good practice for analyzing and critical thinking.
12. The final paper allowed me to tie what I learned in this course to the real world.
13. The point of the class was to learn how to create proposals, and so the final project of putting together a full proposal was helpful and meaningful. It gave a clear picture of what is required to write a grant, and the use of real-world organization and funding opportunities made the project relevant.
14. I enjoyed the projects that included real life experiences, like the construction site observation and the PM phone interview. I felt like it helped me engage in the course content more and better understand the goings-on of a construction project.
15. I like the case studies since they were able to reflect on real life situations and we were able to make decisions as if we really were in the situation.
16. The case studies were very meaningful to me. I think they did an excellent job of applying the concepts discussed in the weekly lessons, to realistic situations that the students could one day be faced with in our future careers.
17. The executive book summary was meaningful for me because it allowed me to read about real life cases and relate it back to the concepts and information that I've learned throughout this course.
18. It made it feel like it could be a real-world project and allowed us to act in the way that we think would be the best which was a good learning experience.
19. I found that the final research project was very meaningful in that it provided grounds for which I could really go in depth with course concepts as well as apply them to the real world - really allowing for me to absorb and comprehend the course content. I think another project for the midterm may have been helpful as well - perhaps a visual presentation uploaded by other students to be viewed and commented on (maybe with a voiceover?)
20. Using the group presentation and the two papers in this course allowed a sense of applying what we were learning in an actual practical sense. Many times, courses push information on students but never give them a chance to actually apply the information into a project or a real-world application.
21. These assignments provided a great opportunity for me to create a meaningful project because I was able to take what I had learned in the course so far and apply it to the real world, as well as to my own personal life.
22. The YouConnect assignments and Project assignments helped me to really understand the fundamentals of management and how they apply in my own life, and to a greater extent the world around me.
23. The projects were applicable to the real world.
24. The final project of attending a job fair was meaningful because it made you go out into the real world and connect with people that can help you get a job in the future.
25. Two of the assignments in this course were meaningful in the interview and presentation assignment. I appreciate the true fieldwork nature of these two, in particular, as a bridge to the theory work of quality management.
26. What made it meaningful to me was being able to use it in the real world. The interview report was very helpful and I was grateful that I got to complete that assignment.
27. Two case studies provide me with chances to use accounting in real-life examples.
28. The course provided meaningful exposure to real world problems and risks that many businesses encounter. It allowed me to gain experience so that I am better suited to deal with the risks in my future.
29. The case study gave me the opportunity to research a real-world situation and understand it deeply. I could then create an essay displaying all of the information that I discovered. This gave me skills in analytical and critical thinking, writing, and presentation.
30. The final paper was meaningful and helped me gain a lot of knowledge about the roles of a manager and how it is applied to real scenarios.
31. I was really excited to do the final paper interviewing a business professional. It was helpful to compare what I learned in the textbook and real-life experiences with my interviewee. Being able to fully understand the techniques and skills presented in the textbooks is a great way to become a strong leader. Being able to adjust, as my interviewee has done, to real life experiences.
32. We had to do an interview with a manager, this gave insight to what real life could be like as a manager in the future.
33. The final presentation was meaningful. I got real-world experience.
34. I think having us actually engage and talk with real managers is very beneficial to our learning, and helps add some realism and depth to the proceedings.
35. The task of interviewing with a manager and writing a paper about it. It kinda gives us the experience of a real-life situation in the work field. Gives us their perspective on how the work field is.
36. All coursework related to the real world and was easy to understand and comprehend.
37. The manager interview was meaningful and a good way to synthesize what we learned in the course and see it in a real-world perspective.
38. I liked learning the real-world aspects of business and how to communicate.
39. I wrote an analytical report that gave me an opportunity to experience firsthand the use of analytical and critical thinking tools to help solve problems in the real world, i.e. help a friend on how to penetrate the market and expand his customer base.
40. The final paper was meaningful because it allowed me to explore a style of writing to which I had no previous exposure. The assignment had real-life applications, which I greatly appreciated and valued. Overall, a very unique assignment which taught me a lot of valuable skills.
41. The real-world scenarios and ideas made this class meaningful and realistic for my education.
42. It was a good real-life example of a project that I have never worked on before.
43. Two case studies provided me with chances to use accounting in real-life examples.
44. It was meaningful because it was realistic and something you may have to do in the future in an HR position.
45. It was great to critique a case study, and find real-world examples of how to resolve the issues.
46. This course helped me gain real-life skills and perspectives.
47. I had the opportunity to complete a project with clear practical utility. It gave a taste of real-world application.
48. It was meaningful because it allowed me to create a real grant proposal throughout the semester. It was authentic because we selected a real-world organization and funding agency. At the end of the semester, it was nice to see the whole proposal come together.
49. This was great for learning what it looks like to have an RFP in the real world. Very practical!
50. The project (drafting a proposal) was a real-life opportunity to put concepts learned into practice.
51. Practical and hands-on experience that provides useful and extremely beneficial experience on grant writing. We had to choose an organization and actually develop a realistic plan to complete a grant proposal the way we would need to if it were an actual application for a job.
52. I have never written a grant proposal before, so being able to create one is really cool. Also, I learned so much in this class than I did in any English class. The instructor's feedback was kind of harsh (because it was so detailed! It's a good thing, though!) but very clear-cut because it only made my proposal better. I really enjoyed this class! Being able to do something that is applicable to the real world and that will really impress employers is awesome!
53. I got the opportunities to fully work on a marketing project for a company. I gained more practical skills rather than just learning about the theories. I could apply my knowledge while working on different components of the marketing plan, and the instructor gave us constructive feedback.
54. The projects seem to be based around real world hypothetical situations.
55. Good to apply what we learned in the course to outside, real companies in the case study assignments.
56. It was meaningful to really critique theories and think about circumstances in which they apply, and how it is relevant within the given context or situation.
57. Topic work was relevant to us and how society is right now. Not old school stuff.
58. We had real questions and real-world answers throughout this course.
59. Several projects involved manipulating real data from the US and other countries and comparing it in interesting ways to understand economic phenomena.
60. The final essay was a good test to see if we understand economics in the real world.
61. Using excel a lot is meaningful because it is a skill we need for the workforce.
62. The weekly reflections were pretty meaningful because they helped you reflect what you learned that week and made you sort of apply it to the real world.
63. We made a presentation where we modeled the rate of melting in the northern permafrost region. This was meaningful because we applied the things we had been learning to the real world.
64. Course projects were interesting and allowed me to apply my course knowledge with real-world concepts.
65. I think that the YouConnects made the class most meaningful, as it asked students to draw a connection between what we were learning and real-world experience.
66. Projects and YouConnects allowed for connection with class concepts to real life.
67. It made us think outside the box in a worldly fashion.
68. Had a semester-long group project that involved developing a marketing plan for a company/brand, which helped apply course concepts to real-world problems. 69. I felt like I got to actually apply what I learned to the real world!
70. The projects were applicable to the real world.
71. The final project of attending a job fair was meaningful because it made you go out into the real world and connect with people that can help you get a job in the future.
72. It was meaningful because it well prepared me for the future.
73. It was meaningful because I gained skills that I will definitely use in the future.
74. The assignment that had me practice interviewing was one that made this course meaningful because it created such a real interview environment.
75. I liked being able to have an interview with a professional in my desired career field.
76. I was pushed out of my comfort zone because the course gave us opportunities to connect with professionals outside of class.
77. I thought that the informational interview assignment was extremely meaningful because it helped train me in various aspects of job hunting in particular. I learned a lot about networking and speaking to professionals which was extremely useful.
78. Instructions were clear, easy to follow, and well-organized. The final project aided me in preparation for my future in the employment field.
79. I really liked the interview project. I think it was very useful to talk to someone at a company you could see yourself working at. I also enjoyed the LinkedIn Profile assignment. I think some of the requirements are a little hard to reach if you did set up your profile for the first time for this assignment, and I know that some professions don't use LinkedIn as much. I don't know if that will change with the changing role of technology in the job search process or not. Overall, I thought the assignments were really useful!
80. The course provided important guidance to the students. The design of this coursework encouraged us to work on many assignments that may potentially increase the chances of getting a better job, by preparing us professionally in our careers. The use of social platforms is a useful tool to be exploited and this course provided us with enough direction to succeed in this tasks.
81. This class provided me with the tools to obtain and have a successful informational interview.
82. I think something that made the assignments throughout this course so meaningful is how useful they were. The projects and tasks we had to complete were things that I need for my future professional career preparation so it was nice to get graded and feedback on things that I will use in the future like a resume and cover letter.
83. I think requiring us to go to a job fair made it very meaningful. We were able to apply the things we learned in class in preparation for our career paths.
84. Creating a proper resume and cover letter in this course was very meaningful to me. I will give me the best chance of conveying my skills and experiences to a future employer.
85. A meaningful task was reading the textbook and learning about Six Sigma. Prior to this class, I knew nothing about it. Learning about Six Sigma was meaningful because I had a conversation with an employee who uses Six Sigma and I was able to relate to what she was talking about.
86. What made it meaningful was the work that needed to be done outside of the class.
87. It allowed us to reach out to new organizations and work with them to complete the project which was a new experience.
88. I thought it important to learn and research an event relevant to my industry
89. It directly relates to my current position at my company.
90. The whole design of the course assisted students learn the 4 main functions of a manager and then see them in practice- great course!
91. I thought it was a very interactive class. I always learn better by doing, so the fact that we had to conduct an interview and work from there, really allowed for me to create a meaningful project.
92. The final assignment prompted thought about the four functions of management. Interviewing a top-level manager that had years of experience shed some new light on management strategies and styles.
93. We did create a meaningful management research paper through the use of a managerial interview. This was very insightful.
94. I liked how I had to interview a manager and see how they utilized the concepts we learned in class in everyday performance.
95. The final Applied Management Research Paper allowed students to analyze the activities of a real-world manager in the light of the management theory presented in our textbook. Rather than simply relying on some examples from a textbook, we were able to evaluate the decisions made by real world managers based on the theory that we learned. This gave us a chance to draw conclusions about how theory is applied when managing an actual organization.
96. The assignments had real-world relevance.
97. The interview a manager paper was very meaningful. It was very cool asking a manager a variety of questions that will help me in my career.
98. Yes, management paper was fun. I enjoyed talking with a professional manager.
99. The final paper was a very useful experience. Not only did it give me the opportunity to interact with a manager in my desired field and create a connection, I also had the chance to learn more about what it means to be a manager.
100. I was really excited to do the final paper interviewing a business professional. It was helpful to compare what I learned in the textbook and real-life experiences with my interviewee. Being able to fully understand the techniques and skills presented in the textbooks is a great way to become a strong leader. Being able to adjust, as my interviewee has done, to real life experiences.
101.The final paper was meaningful, as I got to interview and learn about a manager I was interested in, or an organization I potentially see myself working in someday.
102.The task of interviewing with a manager and writing a paper about it. It kinda gives us the experience of a real-life situation in the work field. Gives us their perspective on how the work field is.
103.I really enjoyed being able to meet with a manager in a field that I am interested in. This way, I am able to have an opportunity to really understand what he or she says because I am writing a paper on it.
104.It was meaningful because I got the opportunity to conduct an interview with a professional in a management position. 105.I think the most meaningful project in the course was the final paper. It allowed me to interview my mom and get to know her as a leader and manager in her career, I thought it was so unique and unlike any other project I have ever done. I think it also meant a lot to her that I chose her to interview for my project.
106.The manager interview was meaningful and a good way to synthesize what we learned in the course and see it in a real-world perspective.
107.Selecting own topic and being able to use it in the work place.
108.I liked learning the real-world aspects of business and how to communicate.
109.The final analytical report was very helpful because it gave me an idea of how professional reports would be made.
110. I liked how the final project was geared towards being personal in a way. It wanted you to look at problems that were in your own work place and I think this allows the project to have meaning and be authentic.
111. I wrote an analytical report that gave me an opportunity to experience firsthand the use of analytical and critical thinking tools to help solve problems in the real world, i.e. help a friend on how to penetrate the market and expand his customers base.
112. I solved a problem for work and presented it to my boss in hopes that they take it in to consideration.
113.The cemetery development project felt applicable to real life.
114.This will help me set up Microsoft project. I am a project manager at my company, but I did not have the real experience and that was the purpose for this class.
115.The final case study was a fairly real-world use of accounting skills to solve a problem. After the midterm case study, I had enough understanding of the goals and objectives to complete the task.
116.The case studies allowed me to apply what I had learned to an actual real-world situation rather than just on their own.
117.The case study assignments allowed me to take a specific event from the world and research it deeply. I was then able to analyze the data I procured and put it into an essay that clearly articulated what was found. This is good practice for analyzing and critical thinking.
118.My current job allowed me to immediately apply things such as performance appraisal, interview skills and recruitment learned in this class.
119.Working with groups created connections and helped relate classwork to real experiences you might have in Human Resources.
120.Every assignment given was geared towards learning a better understanding of what it means to be in the business field.
121.It was a great opportunity to be able to write a grant proposal on behalf of a real non-profit organization. It increased my knowledge and respect for non-profit organizations that work hard to get grants and offer their services.
122.Grant writing is always meaningful, and is such an important skill to have in this world!
123.I have never written a grant proposal before, so being able to create one is really cool. Also, I learned so much in this class than I did in any English class. Ann's feedback was kind of harsh (because Ann gets so detailed! It's a good thing, though!) but very clear-cut because it only made my proposal better. I really enjoyed this class! Being able to do something that is applicable to the real world and that will really impress employers is awesome!
124. Will be able to use processes at a future job.
125.I got the opportunities to fully work on a marketing project for a company. I gained more practical skills rather than just learnt about the theories. I could apply my knowledge while working on different components of the marketing plan, and the instructor gave us constructive feedback.
126.It was meaningful because I can apply what I learned and did in this project to other courses and perhaps a job, too.
127.By creating our own business plan and do the financial analysis, I have a real-life experience to think about using the knowledge learned from this class to real-life examples.
128.By being able to go out and do field work and site visits. Which wasn't described int the class description as this is supposed to be a fully online course.
129.The projects we participated in directly correlated to subjects we would use in a work setting.
130.It always seemed meaningful in respect to what we would be applying into the health care field.
131.The case studies were meaningful because they allowed for a closer touchpoint to the work aspiring health service managers to the frontline work within a healthcare organization. The book review was meaningful, in my opinion, because the flip grid showed an in-person side to the digital faces we have as online students.
132.The executive book summary was meaningful for me because it allowed me to read about real-life cases and relate it back to the concepts and information that I've learned throughout this course.
133.It made it feel like it could be a real-world project and allowed us to act in the way that we think would be the best which was a good learning experience.
134.The course provided the opportunity for gaining knowledge that might be useful in future career.
135.Meaningful learning was achieved. Topics and activities covered in this class will be utilized in the future.
136.The different assignments including the Statement of Work, RFP allowed me to get a sense of how IT implementation and transition operates for businesses.
137.I just think that every assignment that we had I learned something that is important and relevant today.
138.I found that the final research project was very much so meaningful in that it provided grounds for which I could really go in depth with course concepts as well as apply them to the real world - really allowing for me to absorb and comprehend course content. I think another project for the midterm may have been helpful as well - perhaps a visual presentation uploaded by other students to be viewed and commented on (maybe with a voiceover?)
139.We had real questions and real-world answers throughout this course.
140.Since the movies I analyzed in this course were such popular movies, it was more meaningful to analyze them. I would have been not as happy to analyze some dumb old movie from ages ago. However, since these movies were from the recent years, I was happy to analyze them in depth. It is more useful to analyze the movies that are relevant to our society than just silly meaningless movies. This course gave me a chance to think about our society in depth.
141. I think the concepts in the word problems apply to real-life situations that you can take outside of the classroom.
142.These assignments provided a great opportunity for me to create a meaningful project because I was able to take what I had learned in the course so far and apply it to the real world, as well as to my own personal life.
143.I think that the YouConnects made the class most meaningful, as it asked students to draw a connection between what we were learning and real-world experience.
144.All of the sections that went into it and it was a real-life example and not a fictional one.
145.Had a semester-long group project that involved developing a marketing plan for a company/brand, which helped apply course concepts to real-world problems.
146.I think the final paper provided a nice task for synthesizing the information we learned and putting it to work. It was meaningful because it tackled a real-life issue and we were proposing real ways to create change based on the latest research and information.
147.If we could have taken theories and concepts and compared them to social movements today, that would've been meaningful. Or creating our own new social movement based on the theories if there wasn't one already.
148.I think creating documents we can go back and reference was meaningful. Example would be how we had to answer interview questions in a written format. I can go back and reference that before future interviews.
149.It was meaningful because I was able to reflect on myself as an interviewer and on my real-world career fair experience.
150.The projects were meaningful because they made you problem-solve and think deeply.
151.The project about my own emotional intelligence was eye opening and very meaningful to me. 1 Suggestion for more real-world relevance
152.The project could have been more applicable to real life, instead of just imagining a hypothetical situation.
153.If we could have taken theories and concepts and compared them to social movements today, that would've been meaningful. Or create our own new social movement based on the theories if there wasn't one already.
Problem with real-world relevance as assignment criteria
154. I think it would have been a much better experience had we not spent over half the time trying to find a viable grant (which was never found) and then once it was realized that we wouldn't it made the entire proposal wonky because we were trying our best to only use the real facts about the organization such as their budget and goals, but then we also needed to make up things and change things to fit this assignment. It would have been much better if we had simply stuck to the RFP without spending hours searching for others and to have not reached out to the organization because I simply did not feel comfortable asking for all this intimate information when we didn't have a viable RFP. Had the instructor not so strongly pushed for us to do something "real" I would have enjoyed and felt much more comfortable completing this task.