6 Sustained Investigations Quotes
If the course provided the opportunity for you to create a meaningful project, presentation or authentic task, what made it meaningful and how? If not, describe a type of assignment that would have made it meaningful.
1. It was meaningful to be able to create a project based on our course materials and work on it throughout the semester.
2. The final group presentation was very meaningful because we interacted together the whole semester.
3. I really enjoyed that we got to present what we had been working on the whole semester together. It made it more meaningful and enforced a sense of teamwork.
4. This course was meaningful because I worked in a group the entire semester. We got to know each other over the course and we utilized our technology to tackle assignments.
5. Not many courses have a semester long project to work on, and the cemetery project I thought worked best as a semester long project. I liked how not every week focused on the project too; it was a healthy break and regrouping tactic.
6. The final project was split into a few parts spread over the entire semester. This helped me build upon it over many weeks as I received feedback every time that I submitted a portion of the final project.