126 Learner-Relevant Quotes
If the course provided the opportunity for you to create a meaningful project, presentation or authentic task, what made it meaningful and how? If not, describe a type of assignment that would have made it meaningful.
1. It was made meaningful because we were able to personalize our final research paper by interviewing a manager of our choice which allowed us to interview people who are of importance towards our future career.
2. I liked how the final project was geared towards being personal in a way. It wanted you to look at problems that were in your own work place. and I think this allows the project to have meaning and be authentic.
3. I think that the assignments were meaningful as I was able to personalize them with the type of career that I am looking towards. They helped me figure out the type of company that I want to work for and gave me an opportunity to think about my professional development.
4. I felt like the personal brand activity was helpful, I thought the LinkedIn outline was helpful but potentially a little excessive given that companies only even look at your resume for 30 seconds so why would they be invested in how many friends you convince to back up your skills on LinkedIn. Apart from that, though, I really resonated with the weekly tasks!
5. I felt that the informational interview and final project was very helpful and meaningful. It helped me to manage my time and go through a full process of job searching, company research, networking, and project management. This is something that should probably be done for every job I apply for, though perhaps on a smaller scale.
6. There were a lot of personal applications to the assignments which made it more meaningful to my understanding of the concepts in general.
7. The informational interview project was a great way for me to look into an industry that inspired me.
8. The project was very open ended, which allowed us to create a project that was personally important.
9. It made my ability to job search meaningful because I now know steps to follow to find job positions that I would be interested in and to apply to them.
10. It made my ability to job search meaningful because I now know steps to follow to find job positions that I would be interested in and to apply to them.
11. The opportunity to improve my resume and attend a job fair was very meaningful to me for my future career search.
12. A meaningful project that we worked on was our resumes and cover letters.
13. I think the resume assignments were extremely helpful. I already had a resume made, but having someone look it over really helped. Also, the resume scanner gave me some additional feedback to think about.
14. This course helped me a lot in preparing to step into the job market. The pace and process each week were very organized!
15. This course gave me the opportunity to truly think about the career options and organizations I would want to pursue after graduation. In addition, the InterviewStream resource proved to be a future asset for me whenever I want to practice any upcoming interviews that I want to be prepared for.
16. Resumes- useful for future.
17. I found a meaningful opportunity to expand my professional network and get advice to tailor my resume and cover letter in order to please a potential employer.
18. I have more confidence moving into my career search for after graduation because of the work done in this course.
19. I was happy with my resume by the end of the course.
20. It was meaningful because it well prepared me for the future.
21. Resumes and cover letters will be useful to use in the future.
22. Re-doing my resume and cover letter was extremely meaningful because it helped me for future jobs.
23. This course really helped me prepare and calm my nerves for job interviews. I highly recommend this course to other peers!
24. It was meaningful when it showed me my own worth. I kind of wish, however, that one module was dedicated more towards finding out what I want to do.
25. The resume and cover letters were needed and helpful to us since we are college students and will need to strengthen those things to further our career. The career fair was also useful and meaningful.
26. The course motivated me to better my resume and present myself higher in my career!
27. It allowed me to create a powerfully built and well-organized resume.
28. Creating a proper resume and cover letter in this course was very meaningful to me. I will give me the best chance of conveying my skills and experiences to employer.
29. Made my own resume and my LinkedIn page.
30. My final paper for the course was a meaningful project to me. That is probably due to the topic chosen had effects on me personally. The final paper was meaningful because it forced me to look deeper in the case, study details, and present arguments that were beyond personal feeling or belief.
31. The final paper because we get to explore a topic that we find interesting and go our own ways with it which while still all applying the same foundational knowledge.
32. The interview a manager paper was very meaningful. It was very cool asking a manager a variety of questions that will help me in my career.
33. The manager interview was very meaningful for me because it helped me interact with people in a field that I love. It's one more person that has connections if I were to need them. It's another relationship to help build on. Careers in the sport management field are tough, so it is crucial to make a lot and the right connections. It has even further propelled me to interview more people in the field and my current place of work.
34. I was able to design a project that mirrored what I would create in my career field. There was guidance along the way that helped me focus in on a meaningful project.
35. I am going to be able to use my project to present it to the audience it was intended for. It was meaningful because I was able to use a topic that interested me.
36. The project was useful for the business I work for.
37. I was able to do my project in my organization which was relevant to my work. This was great.
38. Everything was meaningful. The responses we had to create after all of our readings really made you think about the information we took in and evaluate it and compare it to our own lives.
39. Talking to different leaders that have made a difference in your life and getting their views on how they perceive a leader.
40. The final PowerPoint and paper are meaningful because they encourage us to think about our leadership traits and how they apply in our daily lives.
41. A project relating to one’s individual profession of interest.
42. The course provided the opportunity for me to create a meaningful project because a lot of the assignments we did were relative to my major and what I plan to do in my future.
43. It's a business I actually want to start. It doesn't get more meaningful than that for a business plan.
44. I really believe that the fact that we got to create a brand of something that we were interested in was a great idea. I really got a personal connection to it and I wanted to see it succeed. Now at the end of my time with this class, I will actually quite miss working on my brand. I'm not just saying this to be nice. I actually quite liked the process of creating our brand and seeing it grow. That part of the class was different than anything else I've seen in school, and I can say I feel as though I learned many skills by doing so. Keep it up.
45. Unique skills that will keep with me moving forward in my life.
46. I like being able to do the client research since I will have to do a lot of that in the future.
47. The project allowed me to get more insight in the career and ITI track I want to be in because I came into the course unsure what I wanted to do specifically. I had an idea of what I want to do but was unsure which track would give me an experience close to what I wanted to actually do.
48. The interview was meaningful since I was able to first hand meet someone working in a position that interests me and learn how they got there.
49. It is something I care about.
50. Learning new aspects about manufacturing and relating to organization I had an interest in, and learning how organization work as a group and the process, and the leadership sections in lectures were very helpful for my understanding.
51. It forced me to reflect on my own life and apply what I was learning rather than just recite back facts and figures.
52. Being able to connect it to other experiences in my life.
53. It was meaningful to be able to relate the course material to my life.
54. The space to use personal examples allowed me to use the learned content and incorporate it into my day to day life.
55. The second essay allowed me to connect my own experience with one of the theories taught in the lecture. 56. Helped me research further a topic I have been wanting to explore more in depth.
57. The assignment allowed me to explore a topic that was relevant to the class, but intriguing to me.
58. An assignment that applied math to our areas of personal interest, such as architecture or student loan debt.
59. It gave me the ability to make personal connections with the material, which allowed me to have a deeper understanding of the material.
60. The YouConnects were a phenomenal and very interesting way of getting me to try and find a way to connect with each function of management. I was slightly confused by the ambiguity at first, but I believe it was this ambiguity that allowed me to really make meaningful connections later in the course.
61. It was meaningful to be able to apply the concepts of the course to my life in the YouConnect assignments.
62. Being able to relate the concepts to myself and repeating them over and over helped engrave the lessons taught.
63. The YouConnect's were a great idea!
64. Although tedious, the YouConnect project was a great assignment. It allowed for me to look at various realms of my life and how I can alter any faltering aspects to ensure that they become relevant and helpful to myself and those around me. It truly did open my eyes to current actions I take which now helps me to take a step back and think about the situation with my critical thinking skills I have learned. Most papers or projects are indeed busy work, but the YouConnect actually made a difference in my life (a positive one!).
65. The YouConnect projects made it extremely personal because we were to relate it, in some way, to ourselves and lives to make stronger impact.
66. These assignments provided a great opportunity for me to create a meaningful project because I was able to take what I had learned I the course so far and apply it to the real world, as well as to my own personal life.
67. The personal connection, applying the fundamentals of management to literally yourself.
68. The YouConnect's made the class material more personal, and helped me retain the information much more efficiently.
69. It was meaningful to do our projects because of how we had to use our own personal stories and correlate it to the course material made learning everything fun.
70. It was meaningful because it was about me. I can speak to it myself and was extremely applicable.
71. The YouConnect assignments, although time consuming, helped make a meaningful connection with Understanding Management and myself.
72. We got to make a lot of personal connections with our projects to deepen our understanding.
73. The Center for Creativity and Innovation assignment felt meaningful to me. Also, I liked the ability to style the YouConnect in the way that we wanted, that was a good idea and made the assignment more personal.
74. We were asked to relate ourselves in YouConnect projects and relate it to the course.
75. I really liked the YouConnect assignments because I felt like I was able to connect with what I was learning with what has happen or is happening in my life.
76. It helped me understand my business better.
77. I thought the YouTube project was cool to come up with our own playlists.
78. Having the critical essays with additional materials helped me to connect what we learned with other areas of my life and other resources. I enjoyed this portion of the course as it helped me to learn much more.
79. I was able to create a music playlist and use my own knowledge I learned throughout the course!
80. The YouTube project was a meaningful opportunity as we could create a playlist of our own of songs we learned. However, the instructions were not super clear on what was expected and how to construct it.
81. The final project allowed for me to take in all I have learned this semester and relate it back to myself. I got to reflect my own interests while connecting it to the course. Creating playlists is something I already thoroughly enjoy doing, so getting the opportunity to do it for class was exciting.
82. It was meaningful because I felt that we got to discuss aspects of music that was important and interesting to me, such as the race relations and how that went hand in hand with the music of the era, the history and evolution of rock music, and the various different styles of music of the time.
83. The final essay allowed us to interview someone close to us about their personal experiences with music, and that was very meaningful to me.
84. The final essay was meaningful to me because I got to interview my girlfriend’s mother who loved rock music and grew up during the heart of rock music.
85. I was able to make my knowledge my own in the final playlist project.
86. The YouTube project was very meaningful because I was able to pick my favorite songs from the semester and compile them in a playlist to share with the community.
87. It was meaningful because I got to choose a theme for the project unique to what I found interesting in the course.
88. The YouTube Final Project was meaningful because I was able to create a playlist based off of songs that I liked.
89. I liked the YouTube project because you had a choice in the music that you put together and were therefore able to say more on the subject. It's easier to speak out on something that interests you.
90. My favorite topic is history, and this course allowed me to make many connections to history and how music influenced and was influenced by political, cultural, and social events. I really liked how it was meaningful to students that were not just interested in music.
91. It made it meaningful because these are songs I have listened to before, so I had a personal connection with many of the topics we discussed.
92. I really enjoyed how this course was set up. It allowed for further thinking on the influences of rock and roll. Then it brought in our personal opinions into discussion.
93. The final project I created was very meaningful, because it gave me the opportunity to put together a list of my personal favorite songs that we studied throughout the semester.
94. I was able to take what I learned and look for specific musical aspects that appealed to me.
95. Being able to analyze and discuss my favorite movie series, that being Harry Potter, the narrative, and the music within, has been a very educational experience. This was one area of study I never saw myself being able to dive into in college, and am glad that I have had the opportunity.
96. It made it meaningful because I truly love cinema and every aspect to film.
97. Being able to select your OWN choice of a film for the final project made it extremely special. You were able to discuss a movie that you love and try to show another person why this film was so great.
98. I really enjoyed how I was able to delve deeper into some of my favorite movies to see their further meaning.
99. I had a meaningful assignment that was based off a film that I have loved my whole life but saw in a completely different light because of the assignment I had to accomplish.
100.The research paper was meaningful because it allowed me to dive deeper into a topic that I was interested in.
101.I could pick whatever topic I wanted for a research paper, which was a fun way to take the sociological concepts I've learned from the course and apply them to something I am interested in.
102.The week I moderated the discussion, I felt like I got some nice feedback and could be more specific in how the theories applied to me and my life specifically.
103.I liked moderating because it gave me the opportunity to connect social theories to my own personal life.
104.I guess the meaningful project for this class would be our final paper. I got to write about something I understood well and somewhat have relation too. In our peer review assignments, I like that I got to hear the opinions of others on something I cared about, as well as reading and reviewing other topics I didn't even think of but we're very interesting.
105.This course allowed me to pick a research paper topic that I was interested and helped me further develop my ideas through different assignments such as annotated bibliography, analyzing a specific source, and peer reviews.
106.The final paper was meaningful because I was able to write about a social issue that I actually cared about.
107.Every assignment was applicable to something in my life. The exercises and discussions all helped me prepare for the internship that I am currently in the process of starting and many of the lessons in this course were very helpful to that.
108.This course was helpful in providing me guidance throughout my search for jobs for next year. I feel like I improved significantly, and now I have access to tools that I did not know were available to me.
109.This course helped me make my resume better!
110.As I mentioned in my evaluation, I particularly enjoyed the resume and cover letter project, it was meaningful because it gave me new perspective on how I see myself as an employee and the experiences I've had and skills I've earned.
111.I think something that made the assignments throughout this course so meaningful is how useful they were. The projects and tasks we had to complete were things that I need for my future professional career preparation so it was nice to get graded and feedback on things that I will use in the future like a resume and cover letter.
112.I found that writing a resume and cover letter was personally very helpful. Not only did I want to complete this assignment to get the grade but I also now will only have to make small tweaks to these when it comes time for me to look for employment.
113.I think this course really helped with my writing skills, especially from a more professional standpoint. Having to write so many papers in this class, and the expectations of these papers to be professional really benefitted me and is something that I will keep with me going into my career.
114.I was really interested in the subject and it is a proposal that I can actually hand to the company I currently work at.
115.Being allowed the opportunity to reflect on how the course personally impacted myself, my life, and my peers made an impact and will forever change how I interact with others.
116.The connections made to the YouConnect assignments were meaningful because it made us apply the concepts to our lives, which made them easier to grasp and remember.
117.The YouConnect assignments and Project assignments helped me to really understand the fundamentals of management and how they apply in my own life, and to a greater extent the world around me.
118.I enjoyed the intersectionality assignment. What made it meaningful was the fact that I was able to evaluate myself in a non-judgmental space. I also greatly enjoyed learning how to use the Google Draw tool.
119.The discussions were focused on engagement with classmates in a professional manner, discussing materials and reflecting on personal backgrounds in the academic context.
120. I was able to record myself doing an interview for this class. This was meaningful because it gave me more practice with interviewing, something I need more help doing and I was able to see how I could improve and what I already do well. 6 Suggestions to Increase Learner Relevance
121. Instead of creating a playlist to summarize or capture the songs learned in the course, have instead a playlist that reflects some significant time period during each individual students' lifetime using the songs learned in the course. It will be far more authentic and meaningful to have a personal based project.
122. Lab reports could be created according to my own individual experiences with the weekly lab experiments.
123.I think a project that is relevant to student coursework will be more meaningful. For instance, the cemetery development project was a topic that we have no idea about. We don't know who works on this project, how much a typical funeral home costs, and what is needed to operate a cemetery. Which is why by incorporating a project that is related to college would be so much easier for students to relate to and work on.
124.The fact that we stuck with one project helped magnify the lessons of each week. I wish that we could create our own projects at the beginning of the semester and then vote on it.
125.It gave me the chance to learn about something personally relevant and write about it.
126.The cemetery assignment was extremely confusing. How are we supposed to know what goes into making a cemetery? We were completely in the dark and there is not a lot of resources online showing you how to develop a cemetery. Due to this, the majority of the group assignments were literally made up and not helpful. It was like shooting in the dark. A more helpful assignment would have been something that was simpler to develop so that we could be creative with our assignments and did not have to spend time thinking about how to even develop a cemetery.