32 Learner Self-Expression Quotes
If the course provided the opportunity for you to create a meaningful project, presentation or authentic task, what made it meaningful and how? If not, describe a type of assignment that would have made it meaningful.
1. The meaningful project for me was the paper. It was nice to write about a meeting I had and to think about everything and talk about what was meaningful to me.
2. This course allowed me to explore outside sources and formulate my own thoughtful presentations of the topics we addressed.
3. The course made this reachable because it allowed me to put my personality into my work and challenged us to do. The course challenged us to do our best work and to think outside of the box.
4. For example, during discussions and feedback to other students, it allowed us to have meaningful observations and interpretations, making the assignment more beneficial.
5. It allowed me to share my take on a piece of information about the things we were learning and allowed for my peers to provide feedback on the information I presented.
6. Discussion is a type of assignment that made it meaningful. During discussion, I had a chance to see my classmates’ thoughts about the assigned topic. Each individual could express their opinions if they would agree or disagree on their classmates’ posts.
7. The final project allowed for the imagination to drift a little which I enjoyed.
8. I really liked the group videos. It allowed me to express my thoughts and opinions in a very causal way.
9. The essays challenged me to form and express my own opinions and theories about the literature we read. I also found it meaningful to learn about the origins of many of the uniquely American ideas and values.
10. The essays were a good chance to add individuality and interpretations from the readings.
11. This course has provided me with the opportunity to create short stories I am proud of.
12. The final essay allowed us to elaborate on our own thoughts on what was left out in the course.
13. The YouTube project and essays allowed us to have freedom and speak our mind.
14. Playlist allowed me to present my thoughts on the music presented in the course and engaged in the material we experienced over the summer.
15. I loved the evolution of rock and roll final assignment, because it allowed me to form my own opinion from the entire course.
16. I learned how to use YouTube for something other than just accessing videos. I felt the playlist I made was unique and I enjoyed making it.
17. We were able to explain personally how we understood what we learned with our YouTube final project. Being able to select our own music, and describe it in our own words demonstrating our understanding of the material presented this semester was meaningful in the sense that it was a true reflection of ourselves and what we learned, not simply just an exam about facts.
18. The course really pushed us to give our own opinions, thoughts, and feelings. This really helps us to feel invested in the projects which is a huge bonus.
19. I was able to share songs that represent my own life in some way shape or form, which I think helps people to understand me better.
20. The project was meaningful because it allowed me to express what I got out of this class and which songs really made an impact on me.
21. All of the essays and the final project were meaningful, because they helped me learn how rock music specifically impacted groups of people. This was something I was hoping to learn coming into the class, so getting to write about my own opinions with respect to this topic was very meaningful.
22. The Spotify project was a nice way to end the class. It allowed me to put my knowledge of rock and roll into a positive assignment where I could share my ideas.
23. The final project was a way for me to put my opinion out there about what music I enjoyed from the course and why it is important.
24. The Spotify project allowed me to include songs in my playlist that I found meaningful and that I enjoyed sharing with my classmates.
25. I liked creating the final Spotify project to express some of my favorite songs from the course and relate them to a theme that mattered to me.
26. We got to write out our thoughts about what we were learning each week in the weekly discussions.
27. I feel like I really improved my writing throughout this course, which is meaningful for me as a journalism student. We were given basic prompts but also a lot of freedom to write what we please.
28. The course allowed for me to make my own assessments of films and utilize the knowledge that I learned to make an honest review.
29. I think the final essays questions, asking for our opinions is the most "meaningful" assignment we were given. I think this would be a hard course for an assignment like that.
30. The writing assignments allowed for this and it was nice to talk about topics in a more personal way through the short video recordings at the end of the week because they had a loose topic but was still personal
31. Love that we could each put our individuality into the presentation. 1 Suggestion to Increase Learner Self Expression
32. The final review allowed us to write about a movie of our choosing, meaning it was most likely a film we really enjoyed. And while writing essays isn't overly fun, writing about something you enjoy is at least easier if not fun, as your feelings about the subject are much stronger. However, we were not allowed to be overly positive about the movie, which takes away from the experience. This assignment was described to be as if we were reviewers giving a movie review. There are many positive reviews in the existence, and they all vary on subject as each reviewer feels differently about different movies. To not allow us to be positive about our own movie for the sake of "authentic" review feels unrealistic, as good movies exist and reviews write positive things about them all the time.