20 Learner Socially-Culturally Connected Quotes
If the course provided the opportunity for you to create a meaningful project, presentation or authentic task, what made it meaningful and how? If not, describe a type of assignment that would have made it meaningful.
1. I got to get involved more with the community by interviewing people.
2. Working closely with my relative and learning more about her made the final paper meaningful to me.
3. The final project was meaningful because I got to speak about an organization that I have been a part of most of my life.
4. The interview with my partner has created a deeper relationship between the two of us and made us more effective partners. I am back in school to make me more effective at this business, so it is wonderful to see immediate results.
5. I think the most meaningful project in the course was the final paper. It allowed me to interview my mom and get to know her as a leader and manager in her career, I thought it was so unique and unlike any other project I have ever done. I think it also meant a lot to her that I chose her to interview for my project.
6. I thought it provided the opportunity to be meaningful, because we were able to choose the project. Essentially, we could choose anything, which allowed us to choose something important or relevant to us. What made the project meaningful was the topic that I chose. My choice of topic was related to the gym that I have been a member of and coach of for over five years. I have developed a lot of relationships at this gym and being able to provide an analysis that will potentially bring forth a positive outcome that will affect the community that is important to me.
7. The projects, especially the Critical Essay C and the Final YouTube project were meaningful to me. The essay was meaningful because we had to interview someone and it made the project way more personal. I got the chance to learn a lot personally from talking with my grandpa and I think he did too. It was a great way to learn and also make a stronger connection between the two of us. The final project was also meaningful because we had the opportunity to reflect on the course as a whole and what we learned from it and then apply that learning by creating a YouTube playlist that demonstrated our learning. I enjoyed the course a lot.
8. I always find meaning when I can show how things evolved over time and many of the projects had us do that. I also had a very interesting discussion with my uncle for the interview project that I may not have otherwise gotten to have which I value very much. Finally, the final project had us discuss the diversity in what we were learning which I found to be very valuable.
9. For Critical Essay C we had to interview someone, and this gave me a chance to learn more about one of my family members. Additionally, it helped to put what we were learning about in class in a context relatable to me.
10. I liked the project where we had to interview someone. I interviewed my grandmother and it was interesting to hear about how the music that we learn about in class impacted her.
11. The interview was meaningful because it gave me new perspective in regards to my grandfather’s experience with music growing up. Created new areas of discussion.
12. I liked the essay where you had to interview someone about music from the era we were studying. It was interesting to talk to my grandparents about what music they listened to when they were my age and what they thought about it.
13. I really enjoyed Critical Essay C. I had a great time interviewing my Great Uncle and just getting to connect with him on a musical level I had never before. It really brought the two of us closer which I am extremely thankful for. I sent back the finished essay to him and he was extremely impressed with how it ended. If I had to take away one meaningful project or assignment from this course it would most certainly be Critical Essay C.
14. I really enjoyed the interview assignment. Initially, I was a little hesitant, but I actually learned a lot from my grandmother about her music opinions and it was nice to connect over.
15. The Critical Essay B interview was meaningful for me. This prompted me to interview my parent about a topic which we had not spoken on before and I learned quite a lot. I would suggest providing a couple of potential essay topics (morality as a topic seemed limiting to me), but otherwise I loved this opportunity to talk in depth about another time period and experience with someone who witnessed it firsthand!
16. The Critical Essay C created a meaningful connection to this music by understanding the relationship that older members of our social circle had with that music.
17. I enjoyed the interview essay because it allowed me to connect with my grandmother through music and I think that's something very unique.
18. The Interview project was very meaningful for that I got to have a knowledgeable conversation with my father.
19. For me, getting to conduct an interview with someone in my own life about music of a certain time period was meaningful. My dad happened to be the best person for me to interview based on the music he experienced growing up and how invested he is in rock and roll music. My dad originally had impacted my interest in this course because I grew up with him playing rock music all the time, and I wanted to learn more because of this as well. Interviewing him and giving him the opportunity to tell me about his passion for rock and roll was a valuable experience.
20. I loved the assignment where we interviewed an older relative / person. I was able to connect my classwork to my grandmother's childhood.