47 Reflection Quotes
If the course provided the opportunity for you to create a meaningful project, presentation or authentic task, what made it meaningful and how? If not, describe a type of assignment that would have made it meaningful.
1. I thought that the most meaningful assignments were the reflections, because they engaged my learning and I could look back on what I learned.
2. All of the assignments had meaning; the reflection helped the student give their impression of that week’s material, then would receive feedback on your reflection to assist in areas you may not have fully researched. I thought every assignment help me get a better understanding of the subject material.
3. I think this course certainly provided the opportunity to create something meaningful. Both the final paper and the final group presentation are the opportunities I am referring to. The final paper really allowed me to think about my time in this course and reflect on what I have learned and how I can use it in the future, and the same goes for the presentation; it was a nice way to look over what we have discussed throughout the semester. Thank you!
4. I think there was one assignment that asked you to reflect on a time where you were a leader and to apply the concepts that you learned which was valuable. My favorite assignments were the ones that asked you to evaluate a situation and apply the concepts that we have learned in class. I think this allows a unique opportunity to put yourself in someone else's shoes and it also is interesting to see how other students react differently to each situation.
5. I think this course really allowed me to self-reflect while learning about concepts which helped me grow as a leader and as a person. I think this course helped me create meaningful assignments that I put a great amount of effort into.
6. The course projects and assignments were meaningful because it allowed students to do a lot of self-reflection with the material provided.
7. The individual paper gave enough flexibility in the guidelines so that I was able to write and reflect on a topic meaningful to my future career using course concepts.
8. I think that the makeup of the assignments and the feedback was very helpful. There was lots of self-reflection on concepts.
9. I appreciated the opportunities to complete reflections every week. It made it more personal and easier to connect to the concepts.
10. Reflection assignment was one type of assignment that made it meaningful. I had a chance to write what I learned from the articles or the videos and then connected the concept to my own leadership experiences.
11. Weekly reflections & the occasional mini papers forced me to utilize and apply my learnings. It made me reflect on the different leadership concepts we've learned and how they're connected. Doing these assignments have helped me prepare for real life leadership experiences.
12. I think some sort of reflection essay would've been a great memorable assignment.
13. Being allowed the opportunity to reflect on how the course personally impacted myself, my life, and my peers made an impact and will forever change how I interact with others.
14. I thought that the most meaningful assignments were the reflections, because they engaged my learning and I could look back on what I learned.
15. I think some sort of reflection essays were great memorable assignments.
16. The discussions were focused on engaging with classmates in a professional manner, discussing materials and reflecting on personal backgrounds in the academic context.
17. The HPMO (high-performance-manufacturing organization) model gave me an opportunity to reflect on how manufacturing is supported by these three aspects of leadership, product and innovation. It is these three dimensions that gave me an opportunity to reflect how to evaluate any report based on these dimensions.
18. It offered the ability for me to do in-depth self-reflection, both on myself as a communicator and as a student. As it turns out, I'm better at communicating than I am at being a student.
19. I think I got a lot out of this course. The film analysis project and textual analysis essay were great assignments that forced me to think deeper on some cultural issues that I otherwise wouldn't consider. It forced me to look at some of my own privilege in today's society. And, it helped me to know how I want to be as a student. It would have been fairly easy to coast by in this class and get a "C". But I don't want to waste my time and just be average. I want to learn and grow and this class helped me to fully realize that.
20. The weekly reflections were pretty meaningful because they helped reflect what you learned that week and made you sort of apply it to the real world.
21. The course is structured in a way where you take the reading and you apply it in a YouConnect project where you really reflect on what you learned and applied your understanding.
22. The final YouTube playlist we had to make was definitely meaningful, as it involved reflecting on everything we'd already learned and using it to generate a cohesive argument.
23. I think the essay prompts allowed it to be meaningful for me. I got to open up in reflection about the music and what it said about reality.
24. The reflection that we had to do was meaningful. This allowed me to reflect on the entirety of the course and everything that I have learned in this course. I enjoyed the assignment.
25. I think using reflections for the critical essays were a big takeaway for myself. Reflection is very key to making meaningful projects which I consistently used throughout the semester.
26. This course had me complete numerous projects and reflections that allowed for personal reflection. Specifically, the final project that allowed for freedom in song selection and analysis was extremely meaningful due to its autonomous nature.
27. It offered the ability for me to do in-depth self-reflection, both on myself as a communicator and as a student. As it turns out, I'm better at communicating than I am at being a student.
28. The weekly reflections were pretty meaningful because it helped reflect what you learned that week and made you sort of apply it to the real world.
29. The YouConnect assignments we completed required a thoughtful reflection of the fundamentals of management, and we were challenged to create something that was meaningful and memorable. Professor K. pushed us to think outside of the box.
30. Writing all the papers allowed me to build and grow my critical thinking skills.
31. The final YouTube playlist we had to make was definitely meaningful, as it involved reflecting on everything we'd already learned and using it to generate a cohesive argument. 32. The final YouTube project was meaningful because I was able to reflect on the music I listened to over the course of the semester and how rock and roll has evolved.
33. We were able to explain personally how we understood what we learned with our YouTube final project. Being able to select our own music, and describe it in our own words demonstrating our understanding of the material presented this semester was meaningful in the sense that it was a true reflection of ourselves and what we learned, not simply just an exam about facts.
34. The YouTube final assignment was meaningful because it allowed me to reflect on an entire semester of work that I had completed.
35. The Spotify playlist project was a great opportunity to reflect on the music we listened to through the semester and the common threads that tie disparate types of music together.
36. I liked that the final project wasn't a test and it was kind of fun to make a playlist. It was different and reflected what we learned. I liked it a lot.
37. The final project was a meaningful project for me, because I was able to reflect back on all the different variety of songs that I have learned about from this course.
38. It allowed me to reflect on my entire semester and what I had learned - an all- encompassing project.
39. It was meaningful because I was able to reflect on myself as an interviewer and on my career fair experience.
40. I really enjoyed that the writing assignments challenged me to think outside of the quantitative.
41. The final YouTube project was meaningful because I was able to reflect on the music I listened to over the course of the semester and how rock and roll has evolved.
42. It was meaningful to analyze and reflect on the social implications of different songs.
43. The YouTube final assignment wad meaningful because it allowed me to reflect on an entire semester of work that I had completed.
44. The reflection that we had to do was meaningful. This allowed me to reflect on the entirety of the course and everything that I have learned in this course. I enjoyed the assignment.
45. The Spotify playlist project was a great opportunity to reflect on the music we listened to through the semester and the common threads that tie disparate types of music together.
46. I think the meaningful assignment was conducting an interview on the morality of rock, which gave fruition to a wonderful and meaningful conversation on morality and life.
47. The course is structured in a way where you take the reading and you apply it in a you connect and project where you really reflect on what you learned and applied your understanding.